Web Development with HTML, CSS, and JS

In this workshop, students will learn the basics of web development using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Students will create and edit web pages using basic HTML tags and syntax, use CSS to style and layout web pages, and use JavaScript to add simple interactivity to web pages.

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Web Development with HTML, CSS, and JS
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Access through Google Meet

About the Workshop

In this workshop, students will dive deep into key concepts in web development, including semantic HTML, responsive design with CSS, and dynamic interactivity with JavaScript. In addition to gaining a strong understanding of these topics, students will have the opportunity to put their knowledge into practice through a series of exercises, including creating web pages, designing responsive layouts, and developing simple backends. In this workshop, students will be able to:

  • Create and edit web pages using basic HTML tags and syntax
  • Use CSS to style and layout web pages, including basic techniques for text, colors, and layout
  • Use JavaScript to add simple interactivity to web pages, such as form validation and basic event handling
  • Explore the fundamentals of web development through hands-on exercises and projects
  • Learn the basics of web development tools and techniques, including text editors, browsers, and the command line


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